RE: Understand AOP In 3 Easy Steps Femtocontainer — The IoC container built into the JDK
Feb 17

Sometimes Microsoft ‘gets it’

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Man, sometimes you have to give Microsoft credit. They reach out to the community.

Matt got the following invite from Microsoft:

You are cordially invited to participate in an open forum designed to generate many questions and provide some answers to the tough issues you may face in your daily work life. You have been selected due to your influence in the developer community. You have established yourself as a force in your community, with your pen, or in your leadership. We want to start a dialog with you regarding our products. Our hope is that these dialogs that will encourage both questions and comments, as well as give us a chance to get to know you.

What: 1st Annual Technology Summit for the Developer Community Leaders

When: March 15-18, 2005

Where: Corporate Campus — Redmond, Washington

Complete travel and expenses will be covered by your sponsoring Developer Evangelist from Microsoft. In addition to the intense 2 1/2 days of technical content, we will be hosting evening “Simply Seattle” events to showcase some of the best Seattle has to offer and to provide time to get to know one another and your Microsoft hosts.

How smart of Microsoft? When was the last time Sun invited people like this, from their own community, let alone from another one!

Have fun Matt!

4 Responses to “Sometimes Microsoft ‘gets it’”

  1. just a guy Says:

    Just another spam mail. Nothing more.

  2. troll Says:

    Rival technology headhunting canned flattering spam designed to masssively inflate the ego of techies insecure about their own self importance.

    They do get it, apparently.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Maybe if Sun had $50,000,000,000 of monopoly money sitting in the bank, and had just once again set new records for financial performance, they could do this sort of thing too.

    The current administration let Microsoft write their own consent decree, effectively letting them off the hook, while Sun’s struggling to keep its head above water. Sun’s not without blame – they continue to revolve around selling expensive hardware, instead of focusing on selling services like IBM.

    But don’t give MS too much credit. It’s amazing what you can do when you have money to burn.

  4. lasix generic Says:

    Big thank

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