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Feb 25

Pugs: Perl 6 interpreter in Haskell

Perl, Tech Add comments

All I can say is “wow”. Autrijus has written an interpreter for Perl 6 in Haskell called Pugs. Kudos.

Oh, and here is a small example of some Perl 6 code:

use v6;

multi sub quicksort ( ) { () }

multi sub quicksort ( *$x, *@xs ) {
my @pre  = @xs.grep:{ $_ < $x };
my @post = @xs.grep:{ $_ >= $x };
(@pre.quicksort, $x, @post.quicksort);

(1, 5, 2, 4, 3).quicksort.say;

8 Responses to “Pugs: Perl 6 interpreter in Haskell”

  1. Anthony Eden Says:

    That’s the first bit of Perl 6 I’ve seen. It looks quite interesting. Any idea when Perl 6 is going to be released?

  2. Anthony Eden Says:

    That’s the first bit of Perl 6 I’ve seen. It looks quite interesting. Any idea when Perl 6 is going to be released?

  3. Daniel Berger Says:

    Anthony, it will be released sometime around Christmas. Not necessarily *this* Christmas. ;)

  4. Daniel Berger Says:

    Anthony, it will be released sometime around Christmas. Not necessarily *this* Christmas. ;)

  5. Clive Darke Says:

    Allison Randal (Perl 6 Project Manager) told me last week that a development release will be “Next Christmas if we are lucky”. Publicly she is saying Quarter 1 2006 for the development release, Quarter 1 2007 for production.

  6. Clive Darke Says:

    Allison Randal (Perl 6 Project Manager) told me last week that a development release will be “Next Christmas if we are lucky”. Publicly she is saying Quarter 1 2006 for the development release, Quarter 1 2007 for production.

  7. Anonymous Says:

    Haskell’s much cooler than Perl, though (but nowhere near as practical)

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Haskell’s much cooler than Perl, though (but nowhere near as practical)

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