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Mar 08

Nimbus: A cross platform Swing look and feel that doesn’t suck

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Ben announced Nimbus which has been something he has wanted for Swing for a long time…. a cross platform look and feel that Swing developers could be proud of.

Instead of playing catch up with native land, trying to munge the pixels to make them work, and always being ALMOST there, imagine if there was an innovative look and feel that worked the same everywhere.

That is the aim of Nimbus.

4 Responses to “Nimbus: A cross platform Swing look and feel that doesn’t suck”

  1. Jesse Kuhnert Says:

    Agrh! You’re such a tease!… Damnit I wish I lived around the corner from all the things I care about…Wife likes to be next to her parents though… :(

  2. Jasper Potts Says:

    I have put some screenshots of SwingSet with Nimbus on my blog and a link to webstart version.

  3. replicahandbags Says:

    thanks for sharing.

  4. replica handbags Says:

    yes,thanks for your help.

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